Brother of Jared, the Psychedelic Bee Shaman who Worshiped the Mother Goddess

How’s that for a title? Sounds crazy, but it’s a pretty good summary of my theory about the brother of Jared. 

You see, I think the brother of Jared was a shaman. I’ve written before about how well the text of Ether supports the idea of his shamanism (see this post here as well).

But that’s not all. I think the brother of Jared was a bee shaman, like this guy:

“The Algerian Tassili mushroom shaman with deer/bee face, 6,000-9,000 B.C.E.” [1]

Why do I think this?

It’s a long story, but it can all be traced back to one word:


You have likely heard of this word before, but did you know how amazing it was? This article is about how the brother of Jared (who we will hereafter call BJ) might have been a bee shaman who spoke to a cloud of bees, likely used psychedelics, and probably worshiped the Mother Goddess… and I’ll use the word deseret to support it.


So, not too far into the book of Ether, you’ll notice that the Jaredites have this cloud with them. The Lord hides behind this cloud. From there, He speaks to them (specifically to BJ). The Jaredites also seem to follow this cloud on their journey.

I think the cloud that BJ talked to and which led the Jaredites in the wilderness was actually a cloud of bees–also known as a swarm (check out this video of a swarm for illustration).

In order to understand this theory, we need to look closely at the etymologies of the word deseret. Moroni included this word in his abridgment of the Book of Ether, and it was not by accident.

Kevin Barney suggested that deseret is connected to the Hebrew word for “bee”, deborah (DBRH), the changing of the t to an h being accounted for by the historically-documented evolution of the feminine suffix in Hebrew. I’m no linguist, but I think that means deseret is an earlier form of the Hebrew word for bee; deborah came later. [2]

Either way, one of the meanings of deborah is “swarm”. I think Moroni confirms that deseret held some relation to deborah when he clarifies that they took “swarms of bees” with them (Ether 2:3).

Moroni describes that the band of people followed this cloud as it went before them:

Ether 2:5 And it came to pass that the Lord did go before them, and did talk with them as he stood in a cloud, and gave directions whither they should travel. 

Following a swarm of bees actually has some precedent in history, or legend, at least. Researcher Andrew Gough, who has written some incredibly fascinating articles on bees and the ancient world, describes it thus:

In Lithuania, the Bee goddess was known as Austheia, and legend asserts that when the Queen Bee left the hive in search of a new home, families would pack up and follow the Queen’s swarm until the Bees established a new hive, and any families united as a result of the exodus were bound together in a special relationship called ‘biciulyste’. [3]

And it wasn’t just Lithuanians. According to Gough, the Phoenicians had a practice that likely spawned the use of the phrase “make a bee-line”:

[The origins of the phrase] appear to stem from the time of the Phoenicians – the ancient sea-faring people who are said to have released Bees from their ships when approaching land in order to observe the direction that the land sensing swarm would travel. The Phoenicians would then make a ‘Bee-line’ in the direction of the Bees in the hope that land would soon follow. [4]

I wonder if the Jaredites did something similar as they “did travel in the wilderness, and did build barges, in which they did cross many waters, being directed continually by the hand of the Lord.” (Ether 2:6)

Did you notice that Moroni points out that the Lord gave directions “as he stood in a cloud”? If you didn’t know, bees are actually really good at giving directions. They do it through their special waggle dance where they can effectively communicate to other bees the direction and distance of food. (Here’s a cool video about it.) They are truly amazing little creatures.


Moroni writes that the Lord speaks to BJ from behind a cloud:

Ether 2:4 And it came to pass that when they had come down into the valley of Nimrod the Lord came down and talked with the brother of Jared; and he was in a cloud, and the brother of Jared saw him not.

Ether 2:14 And it came to pass at the end of four years that the Lord came again unto the brother of Jared, and stood in a cloud and talked with him. And for the space of three hours did the Lord talk with the brother of Jared, and chastened him because he remembered not to call upon the name of the Lord.

(see also Ether 2:5)

So the Jaredites have this cloud of bees, and BJ talks to it—Well that’s what everyone else in the group sees: BJ talking to a cloud. But to BJ, he’s speaking with the Lord, and the Lord answers back. But why bees? Why would the Lord speak to BJ through a cloud of bees?

That’s a tricky question to answer, but I’ll take a crack at it.

Like I said above, I think BJ was a shaman. Andrew Gough explains this interesting tidbit about shamans, bees, and the Mayans:

And in the Mayan tradition in particular, shamans were especially attuned to the importance of the Bee and reflected their veneration in ritual and religion. For instance, in the Mayan Book of ‘The Chilam Balam of Chumayel’, the Ritual of the Four World Quarters features wild Bees as the liaisons between humans and sun gods. [5]

As I’ve studied, I’ve found fascinating links and parallels between the Mayans and the Jaredites. Now, before you get your knickers all in a twist and tell me with unshakable confidence that the Jaredites were the Olmec or that they lived in Canada, chill out! Think about it–Wouldn’t the Jaredites have been the ancestors of the Mayans–no matter where they lived? Why did Mayan SHAMANS see BEES as liaisons between humans and gods?

Could it be that it’s because their FOUNDING SHAMAN, BJ had to speak to God through a cloud of bees? I think so. Here’s what Gough also had to say about the Mayans:

The Mayan regarded the Bee as ‘Our Lady’, or sometimes, the ‘Royal Lady’ (kolil kab in Mayan), and shamans preserve the tradition of their ancestors by chanting Bee rituals… [6]

Ah yes… so it was a tradition passed down from their ancestors! That’s interesting, isn’t it?…

Apparently, associating bees with shamanism is something that goes way back, to times long before the Mayans or the civilizations of Mesopotamia. The reason this is so appears to be–dare I say it–hallucinogens.

You read that right. State-altering substances. Many people who experience strange phenomena, psychedelic trips, UFO abductions, visions, apparitions, etc, report that they hear a constant, bee-like hum or buzz throughout. Shamans, even tens of thousands of years ago, used these substances to communicate with the spirit world. Let’s continue with Gough for a moment:

And least we forget, it was the Bee that led ancient man to the plants whose hallucinogens transported consciousness into the spirit world of the gods. … Why then, should the … Bee, not have been worshipped? [7]

So then the question arises: If BJ was a shaman who spoke to bees, was he a user of psychedelic mushrooms, mad honey, or some other hallucinogenic plant? I don’t ask the question out of any disrespect for him. I believe him to be a great man who learned the ways of the Lord. But I think the text supports the idea he was a shaman, rather than a seasoned Old Testament prophet as most readers think… and shamans did and still do use that kind of stuff.

Either way though it’s irrelevant to the main hypothesis we’re discussing here. I think BJ spoke to the Lord through the bees (either in an altered state or not), and the Lord spoke back to him through the bees.

Actually, I should clarify my position a little bit. I think the Lord did speak back to him through the bees, but I think BJ, through the bees, was initially speaking to the Mother Goddess.

Now, you’re probably thinking that was quite a leap, and a preposterous one at that. 3 years ago I would’ve thought so too. But now I know way too much about bees and the book of Ether to rule it out as a probability. Allow me to explain.

The Mother Goddess and bees are inseparable. Anciently, bees were actually seen as manifestations of the Mother Goddess. Gough had this to say about that:

“The Mother Goddess is arguably the oldest deity in the archaeological record and her manifestations are numerous, including likenesses of butterflies, toads, hedgehogs – and dancing Bees. In the ancient world, dancing Bees appear to have been special – the Queen Bee in particular, for she was the Mother Goddess – leader and ruler of the hive, and was often portrayed in the presence of adorning Bee Goddesses and Bee Priestesses.” [8]

To people of the ancient world, the Mother Goddess was a bee; the bees were the Mother Goddess. This connection has been documented to go back some 8 to 10 thousand years and probably existed even earlier. As a man who lived in the ancient world, we actually should expect BJ to be a worshiper of some form of the Mother Goddess, “the oldest deity”, and to connect Her with bees. If so, we should also expect to find references to Her and bees throughout the book of Ether. And in fact, that’s exactly what we find–although extensive proof of this will have to come in a future blog post. 

There are SO MANY more references to Her in Ether, but for now let’s consider again the first and most famous one: deseret.

Ether 2:3 And they did also carry with them deseret, which, by interpretation, is a honey bee; and thus they did carry with them swarms of bees.

Hugh Nibley promoted the discovery that deseret is practically identical to deshret (dšrt), the Egyptian word for the Red Crown of Lower Egypt [9]. This crown was very commonly drawn resting upon the head of the Egyptian mother goddess Neith, whose temple was called the House of the Bee [10]. This pretty compellingly suggests to me that by using deseret, Moroni is implying something about the Mother Goddess.

“Neith, an ancient Egyptian goddess, depicted with the red crown of lower Egypt.” [11]

You might be wondering, why the Egyptian word in a Jaredite record? I personally don’t think the BJ had knowledge of or contact with Egyptians… but Moroni was the one who abridged the book in “the reformed Egyptian” (Mormon 9:32). Mosiah, who apparently translated the book, may have translated the bee/mother-goddess word into “deseret” because it fit his understanding. Doesn’t necessarily mean BJ spoke Egyptian though.

So here we have BJ speaking to the Mother goddess through the cloud of bees. You read Ether 1-2, and obviously it’s the Lord in the story, not the Mother. You must think I’m crazy.

You’re probably not wrong about me… However, I propose that BJ thought he was praying to the Mother the whole time until his encounter on Mount Shelem in Ether 3. Remember how surprised he gets when he finally sees the Deity behind the cloud?

Ether 3:6 And the veil was taken from off the eyes of the brother of Jared, and he saw the finger of the Lord; and it was as the finger of a man, like unto flesh and blood; and the brother of Jared fell down before the Lord, for he was struck with fear.

The God he’s been speaking to wasn’t female—it was a Man! It wasn’t the Mother—it was the Son. Well, really the Father and the Son, as the Savior clarifies:

Ether 3:14Behold, I am he who was prepared from the foundation of the world to redeem my people. Behold, I am Jesus Christ. I am the Father and the Son. In me shall all mankind have light, and that eternally, even they who shall believe on my name; and they shall become my sons and my daughters.

I propose that BJ’s astonishment is more rooted in the fact that God was male than that He appeared to have flesh and blood… And maybe also because God didn’t look anything like a Bee?

I believe the effects of this mountaintop exchange persisted among BJ’s descendants well into Mayan times, because, unlike most cultures with their Bee Goddesses, the Mayans had a Bee God (named Ah Muzen Cab). A male! Which is weird because more than 95% of real bees are actually females, and the hive is presided over by the Queen [12]. Drones, the only males, only live a short time and die immediately after mating [13]. You’ve probably never seen a male bee in your life. It’s all about girl power in the beehive.

And get this!: Not only was the Mayan Bee Deity strangely male, but they also called him “the Saviour god”. [14]

Umm… does Ether 3:14 ring a bell to anyone else on that one?! BJ’s Mount Shelem theophany of the Savior perfectly explains this Mayan curiosity. The bee goddess of their ancestor bee shaman actually was a Savior God. It makes so much sense!

So while BJ starts off the journey using psychedelics and speaking to the Mother within the bee cloud, after Mount Shelem he knows that his God is the Lord Jesus Christ, the Father and the Son. And that’s why the Mayans revere a Bee God instead of Goddess, and why they call Him the Savior God… That’s what I think, anyway.

And I think Mosiah and/or Moroni wrote the story so that it was Jesus the whole time… because maybe it was Jesus the whole time. Or maybe they were uncomfortable with the founding shaman of the land being a seemingly-pagan worshiper of the Mother Goddess? Perhaps this is why Moroni reiterated who “the God of the land” was in Ether 2:12? I don’t know what the real reason was, but it’s becoming increasingly apparent to me that Moroni was a big clue dropper, and deseret is a huge clue.


But we’re not done examining the word deseret. There’s more to be mined there to support this theory about the bee shaman BJ.

We mentioned earlier how deborah may be a form of the word deseret. Deborah comes from the root word dabar, which has a ton of very peculiar meanings:

‘דבר’ – ‘dabar’: speak, say, talk, promise, tell, commune, pronounce, utter, command, declare, converse, warn, threaten, sing, to lead away, put to flight, wilderness (as dabar is root of midbar, meaning wilderness) [15]

I find these definitions extremely interesting for a root nestled inside of the word that means “bee”. You’ve got to ask why dabar gave rise to deborah… Maybe it’s got something to do with the reverence the ancients gave to both bees and the Mother Goddess? 

I don’t know what the reason is, but it’s remarkable that the Lord basically does all of these dabar things in Ether 1-3 while he’s hidden behind a cloud:

He speaks to them, He commands them, He leads them away, He warns and threatens them, He promises things to them (even a promised land), and He takes them to the wilderness. [16]:

Read the first part of Ether now and all these little dabars of the Lord will jump out at you. Isn’t it amazing how many little wordplays there are in this section of Ether? Could this be a clue that the Lord was in a cloud of deborahs?


And then one last etymology for deseret comes from David Richins. After explaining that the name Jared is from the Hebrew yaret, meaning “to descend” or “to go down”, he points out that deseret may also contain the same yaret root: des + yaret [17]. This implies that deseret has something to do with descending.

Are the bees ever explicitly described as descending in Ether 1-3? No, but God (as He’s hidden in a cloud) is:

Ether 2:4And it came to pass that when they had come down into the valley of Nimrod the Lord came down and talked with the brother of Jared; and he was in a cloud, and the brother of Jared saw him not.

God Himself came down to speak with BJ, just as He would have to descend from heaven to speak to any mortal on earth. And just as any of us would do if we saw Him, BJ fell down at his feet (see also 3 Nephi 11:12). 

At this point, is it any surprise that The Mayan Bee God, Ah Muzen Cab, the Savior God, was also called the Descending God?

“The Descending Bee God, Venus, Tulum. © Andrew Gough” [18]

No joke. He was literally called and often depicted as “the Descending God”, upside down, descending to earth. Makes you wonder why the Mayans showed him this way. 

Could it be because the Lord came down to speak to their bee shaman ancestor? Could it be because Abinadi prophesied that “God himself should come down among the children of men, and take upon him the form of man” (Mosiah 13:34-35)? Could it be because the Nephites “saw a Man descending out of heaven” when the Savior God appeared to them (3 Nephi 11:8)?

You can’t make this stuff up, guys!

Along the same lines was how the Mayans viewed the planet Venus. They associated it with Kukulkan (also known as Quetzalcoatl), even believing the star was him in the sky [19]. If you’ve ever tried to connect Mesoamerica to the Book of Mormon, that name, Quetzalcoatl, might be familiar. Well, the Mayans had many names for Venus, one of which was Xux Ek, meaning Wasp Star [20]. I probably don’t have to tell you how close a wasp looks like a bee. But it’s even better than that because according to Gough, “the Maya believed Venus, symbolically, was a bee, due to its intelligent movements.” [21]

And there’s SO MUCH MORE about Venus, the Mayans, and the Jaredites that we can’t get into right now… However, part of Venus’ “intelligent” cycle is the evening star phase, during which the planet descends down to the earth every night, thus perhaps causing the Mayans to connect it to the Descending God.

Another name the Mayans had for Venus was Chac Ek, which means “red star” [22]. It’s a curious appellation because Venus doesn’t really appear red in the sky without the presence of some kind of pollution. However, David Richins suggests that deshret is the source of the words desert and red, which makes sense since it was the Red Crown of Lower Egypt [23]. Is it possible that the Mayans called Venus the Red Star because it was also connected to bees and gods and ultimately deseret? Interestingly, the hallucinogenic mad honey is also called Red Honey, because of its “brilliant red color” [24]. 

Hmm… Could deseret be a clue about how BJ got into the correct state to speak to the bees? If so, it wouldn’t surprise me. That little word is amazing.


So there was this cloud of bees that the BJ used to speak to, trying to reach the Mother Goddess. The Lord apparently answered back. He’s also known as the Father and the Son, the Savior God, the Mayan Bee God (Ah Muzen Cab), and the Descending God. He comes down and leads the Jaredites, speaks to them, commands them, promises them great things, and warns them of destruction if they’re wicked. All of these things are, in my opinion, baked into the once-simple word deseret… Such a mysterious word.

The epic story of the Jaredites begins with this bee-connected Descending God doing all these things for them; and it ends with destruction, about which Amaleki aptly described, sticking with the theme of deseret (des+yaret):

Omni 1:22 And the severity of the Lord fell upon them [the Jaredites] according to his judgments, which are just; and their bones lay scattered in the land northward.

What do you think the Jaredites’ cloud was made out of? 

Still think it was water vapor?

Sources and Notes

  1. Bee shaman pic: 
  2. “Barney alternatively suggested deseret is connected to the Hebrew word for bee, deborah (dbrh), with the final -t being the older form of the word.8 Barney admits that he does not “have a similar solution” for the substation from b to s, but it is possible that the word could be related to Hebrew because of a small mistake in pronunciation or spelling.” 
  9. “In Egyptian, dšrt means the red crown (of the king of Lower Egypt). The Egyptian word for bee is bt. In the discussion of the sign dšrt, Alan Gardiner, in Egyptian Grammar, states that [the glyph for the dšrt crown] was used to replace [the glyph for bee] in two Egyptian titles where [the bee glyph] was used to mean the … King of Lower Egypt. … This substitution of [the dšrt crown] for [the bee] has led Nibley to associate the Egyptian word dšrt and the Book of Mormon word deseret.” ; 
  10. “Neith was usually depicted as a woman wearing the red crown associated with Lower Egypt, holding crossed arrows and a bow” ( “In Sais, Neith was regarded as the Goddess of the ‘House of the Bee’ and the Mother of RA; the ‘the ruler of all’. Neith’s House of the Bee bore a very curious inscription, indeed…”  
  11. Pic of Neith with the Red crown: 
  13. Erika Thompson, Joe Rogan Experience Podcast #1908
  14. Gough: “Curiously, the Bee god had another name in Mayan mythology – The Saviour God.” 
  15. Definitions for dabar adapted from  and
  16. See also Dabar Yahweh, Gen 15:1, John 1 in 
  17.  David Richins: “The mentioning of deseret is not a random detail. The word deseret contains the same root as Jared (des + yaret). The record informs us that this word refers to a honey bee, but clearly there is more to it than that.” 
  18. Descending God pic, credit Gough: 
  19. “A document from Central Mexico written in the late 1500s called the Annals of Cuauhtitlan associates the eight-day period between the Evening and Morning Star phases with the death and resurrection of Quetzalcoatl, a deity known as Kukulcan to the ancient Maya. Kukulcan was the sky god and the most powerful of the ancient Maya deities.”; “This star was the object of worship for the entire mesoamerican culture. In the maya vocabulary this planet/deity is depicted by the serpent god Kukulcan. This god who inspired fear and awe to the people of ancient yucatan. Kukulcan was a character who was half jaguar and half deity. His legend, which was well known through out the region, was in many ways similar to the planet venus.”; 
  20. “―For the Maya the importance of Venus, above all other planets, cannot be overstated. It was called Noh ek (great star), chac ek (red star), sastal ek (bright star), and xux ek (wasp star).” 
  21. Gough: “What is truly remarkable is that the Mayan king associated himself with Venus, a male deity and the most important planetary object of the Maya. Where this gets interesting is that the Maya believed Venus, symbolically, was a bee, due to its intelligent movements; like many ancients, the Maya appear to have been aware of the bee’s peculiar, figure-of-eight-shaped waggle dance. As a result, it was common for the king to depict himself as a drone bee, complete with drone-bee eyes, and a protruding tongue with which to taste the honey of his kingdom.” 

9 thoughts on “Brother of Jared, the Psychedelic Bee Shaman who Worshiped the Mother Goddess

  1. I enjoyed reading your post. I’m not quite sold on the idea yet–though I think you make a lot of fun connections (and I look forward to reading your next installments on the subject). And so, even if I’m never convinced of your theory I will at least be more open to the symbology involved with honey bees and the gospel.

    One little quibble: In Ether chapter 12 Moroni speaks of certain of the ancients were called after the Holy Order of God:

    “10 Behold it was by faith that they of old were called after the holy order of God.”

    He then goes on to list a number of the prophets who called after that order and includes a sample of the miracles they performed. And then he frames those samples with this interesting verse:

    “18 And neither at any time hath any wrought miracles until after their faith; wherefore they first believed in the Son of God.”

    I think this verse has direct bearing on the brother of Jared–in terms of identifying him as a faithful disciple of Christ *before* his experience on mount Shelem. And then the following verses place the brother of Jared in a “category” comprised of faithful followers of the Savior who were called after his order:

    “19 And there were many whose faith was so exceedingly strong, even before Christ came, who could not be kept from within the veil, but truly saw with their eyes the things which they had beheld with an eye of faith, and they were glad.

    “20 And behold, we have seen in this record that one of these was the brother of Jared; for so great was his faith in God, that when God put forth his finger he could not hide it from the sight of the brother of Jared, because of his word which he had spoken unto him, which word he had obtained by faith.

    “21 And after the brother of Jared had beheld the finger of the Lord, because of the promise which the brother of Jared had obtained by faith, the Lord could not withhold anything from his sight; wherefore he showed him all things, for he could no longer be kept without the veil.”

    And so what I’m suggesting here is that while it’s possible that the BoJ may have been a shaman of sorts my guess is — according to how Moroni speaks of ancient high priests — he new of Christ even before the story begins.

    That said, I do find the relationship between the two brothers to be very much like that of the tribal leader and the shaman; the former being a political leader and the latter a religious leader. So in the context of an ancient culture the idea of the BoJ being a shaman works nicely–even though (IMO) he would have been a high priest beneath the station and garb which identified him as the spiritual leader of his tribe.


    1. Jack,

      Thanks for reading. It’s always a pleasure to read your comments! You make some really good points that I hadn’t considered before. I agree with you that according to the pattern laid out in Ether 12 (and other scriptures), one must have faith in Christ before miracles (such as theophany) can occur.

      However, I wonder if the rules were different for the brother of Jared (BJ). We know that God speaks to us in our language and to our understanding, so possibly BJ’s way of speaking to God was through shamanism and God spoke back through that avenue because it’s what BJ understood?

      That the brother of Jared was a high priest is possible, but if so, I would guess that he didn’t receive his ordination from any person, but from God Himself, as is outlined in JST Gen 14:

      27. And thus, having been approved of God, he was ordained an high priest after the order of the covenant which God made with Enoch, 28. It being after the order of the son of God; which order came, not by man, nor the will of man; neither by father nor mother; neither by beginning of days nor end of years; but of God; 29. And it was delivered unto men by the calling of his own voice, according to his own will, unto as many as believed on his name.

      He definitely believed on the name of God, and I believe that after Shelem he believed on the name of Christ, since it appears that that was the point in which the Lord revealed his name to BJ (Ether 3:14). Perhaps Moroni leaves us a clue to this in Ether 12:20 when he says that BJ had such great faith in “God”, rather than in “Christ” or in the “Son of God” like he uses in the verses leading up to v. 20. Perhaps BJ’s “God” was the goddess or a multi-God Elohim?

      One of the things about BJ is I’m not so sure he was a descendant of Adam. I’ve written a bit on the blog about the possibility that Adam was not necessarily the only man on earth at the beginning. I think Christ alludes to this in Ether 3:15 when He says that He’d never shown Himself to man *whom He had created*.

      But anyway, there is, in my opinion, more to tie the Jaredites to the Mother Goddess… among the things that do so is the prevalence of the number 8 hidden throughout the book of Ether. We’ve spoken before about the 8 boats, and I do not think that was by accident. I believe it was a plea by the Jaredites for favor from the Mother, since 8 appears to be associated with Her for some reason.

      But I think you could be right–maybe after Shelem BJ was a high priest of Christ but still retained the shaman role in his tribe. Perhaps full-blown, Old Testament christianity wasn’t what the Lord had in store for the Jaredites at that time?


  2. Thanks for the response, Ryan. I’m certainly open to the idea that God can use an infinite number of different ways to communicate with his children. One could argue that Joseph Smith — with his particular gift of seership as a boy — was a shaman of sorts to his “tribe” who later grew into the full stature of an high priest. And so I think much of what you say about the brother of Jared has merit–even though I might differ with you on some of the details having to do with his call to the priesthood.

    I’m certainly open to the idea that the ancients had knowledge of a Mother Goddess–or at least One that ruled in tandem with the Father–or even as the consort of Jehovah. There’s a world of wonder there waiting to be revealed. And I hope that we’ll get more revelation on the subject as we move across the broad threshold of the Millennium. And I’m looking forward to more posts on the number 8–especially now that you’ve mentioned it in connection with the Divine Feminine.

    Re: JB being outside the lineage of Adam: That’s an intriguing interpretation of Ether 3: 15–I’ll have to think about it. One thing I will say is–that verse certainly gets the puzzler working. I’ve wondered if perhaps the Lord was saying that he had never before shown himself to a *mortal* man–that is, without transfiguring him first. It could be JB’s faith was so great that the Lord was able to appear and speak to him in “plain humility” as he did to Moroni.

    But even so, the question remains: are premortal spirits able to appear in plainness? It seems evident that post mortal resurrected beings have the power to do so–because a resurrected body seems to be fitted with a dial of sorts by which they can control the intensity of their glory.

    Fun stuff to think about.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for your comment. I agree there is such an interesting “world of wonder”–as you say–about the Mother waiting to be revealed. There seems to me to be quite a bit of references to Her in Ether, although they are *veiled*. This veiledness itself is characteristic of the Mother Goddess–hidden in plain sight. Even the name of the brother of Jared himself, Mahonri Moriancumer, could be a clue that he was a priest/shaman of the Mother Goddess. The 8 veiled daughters of Jared and Orihah are a big clue too–why hide them? Why the number 8? I think it was a sign of divine favor from the Mother, giving them each 8 daughters… Lol there’s so much about the goddess in Ether that I can’t come up with a good way to present it all at once, in a coherent way.

      But I will certainly try, haha. I keep finding more instances of the number 8, and will keep posting about them as I find the time. All of them (with the exception of the 8 boats) are hidden. I’ll also write more about Jaredite names and their possible connections to the goddess. It’s a strange journey I’ve gone on with this all, but I’m learning a lot. I appreciate your readership and comments.

      Your thoughts on Ether 3:15 are interesting and make sense. Is it a requirement to always be transfigured before seeing God? I can definitely see that being it. Perhaps the Lord showed Himself in a different way than how He presented Himself to Adam, Enoch, etc. The passage is very puzzling because I believe He showed Himself to the antediluvian patriarchs, but I also believe what He said to the brother of Jared, so how do we reconcile the two? My thought was that perhaps Adam wasn’t “created” by Jehovah, per se, but placed there? Whereas BJ was from a long line of evolved people as scientists claim we all are? Or perhaps it was the Father who created Adam, while the Son created everyone else?

      But to answer your question, I would say that a pre-mortal Jesus probably had the power to appear to BJ any way that was needed for BJ. Another obscure possibility is that Jesus is always embodied, per some inexplicable time/dimension warp thing. Or another I’ve entertained is what if BJ was *before* Adam? That one probably doesn’t hold up, but I suppose it’s a possibility! Certainly is fun to theorize.


  3. You’ve probably already considered this–but I wonder if the reason as to why the 8 barges present themselves more overtly as a symbol of the Divine Feminine might be because a barge in and of itself is openly identified as feminine. Vessels are typically referred to as “she.” And I think that identification stems from traditions that go back further than our collective memory. And so whether we’re talking about a barge or an ark or a temple or the whole cosmos what they all have in common is their capacity as vessels to carry life within them–whether through the waters of chaos or through an ocean of unorganized matter.

    Just another quick thought about Ether 3: 15. As you’ve already mentioned, we learn (in the Book of Moses) that Enoch ascended in order to meet with the Lord face to face–and I, too, wouldn’t be surprised to learn that all of the ancient patriarchs had a similar experience with the Lord. Even so, there’s some question about the Lord coming down and blessing Adam–so I want to be careful and not brush anything aside that doesn’t fit my little “unified theory.” Nevertheless, I can imagine a scenario wherein that last gathering of Adam and his posterity was so sacred and powerful that they were are all transfigured for a time–and that it was within that context that the Lord appeared to them. (Much how I imagine the next great meeting with Adam to be.)

    And so, when the Savior says (to the brother of Jared) that he had never before appeared unto man whom he had created–he’s really taking about our physical creation as mortal beings over which he was the chief superintendent.

    That said, I realize that I might be pushing it. But even so, I appreciate you taking the time to hear me out on some of my crazy ideas.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I had not considered the tendency for sea vessels to be referred to as feminine. That in itself is an interesting phenomenon. Why? I wonder if it has to do, again, with the Mother Goddess. Many ancient cultures associated the waters of chaos, as you say, and chaos in general, as feminine, as from Her. The Great Flood was sent by the Mother, according to some ancient cultures. Another form of the Egyptian mother goddess was Mehet-Weret, the great flood. The brother of Jared was concerned about crossing the “floods” to the promised land, which he may have considered as feminine. Interesting thought!

      About the transfiguration of all present at the meeting: I can definitely see that happening. I’m still trying to wrap my head around what transfiguration means, physically. I was just reading something somewhere about the earth itself being transfigured for His coming (can’t remember where now!), so I think it’s definitely possible. If the whole earth can be, why not a gathering of several patriarchs? I’ll have to keep thinking about that one!

      I always appreciate your thoughts! I love hearing people’s theories, no matter how wild they get. I hope you keep sharing them. Jack, because this blog is primarily about my crazy theories, and I value everyone’s input here.


  4. It’s a fun premise for a fantasy story.

    No evidence that bees from the Middle East or Europe were introduced to the Americas till after Columbus based on genetics of wild and domesticated bee species in north and South America.

    No linguist scholars would support the historicity of the myth around the Tower of Babel either but it also is a fun story.


    1. Thanks for the comment, Brian.

      I wasn’t aware about the genetics studies done on bees. Interesting! Did the study include the DNA of the stingless bees of the Mayans, Melipona beecheii? Regardless, I personally don’t think the Jaredites carried bees with them to America. The text never suggests they did. I’m also not so sure they even had domesticated bees, but I think they might have merely followed swarms of wild bees.

      I also think the Tower of Babel is a myth. But I do believe the Jaredites came from a “great tower”, probably more of a megalithic mound of sorts (Gobekli Tepe). No matter the location of it though, I do think the place they came from is the origin of the Tower of Babel myth. Gobekli Tepe is far enough back in time that the language aspects of the Babel myth may have some truth to it. Were there people at Gobekli Tepe that spoke one or a few languages and then were scattered to the four quarters of the world? It’s definitely possible that whatever language was spoken there has a number of linguistic descendants that exist today.


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